Little Green Radicals - Behind the Scenes

Little Green Radicals Logo     Fairtrade Logo

Little Green Radials have always used 100% Fairtrade cotton from our very first days of making babygrows and T-Shirts back in 2005.

Buying products made from Fairtrade cotton ensures that our farmers receive a fair and stable price for their cotton giving them and their families security and stability. Through Fairtrade, thousands of cotton farmers have already improved their lives. Cotton co-operatives have become better organised and women are receiving the same treatment as men, from voting rights to equal pay.

The Fairtrade mark means that the cotton in used has been produced by farmers that meet the Fairtrade social, economic and environmental standards. These standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and an additional Fairtrade Premium which always has to be invested back in community projects.

Why use organic cotton

Organic cotton is a natural fibre which is much softer than conventional cotton. This is because the fibres have not been broken down by harsh chemicals and pesticides. Using organic cotton benefits both cotton producers and the environment by avoiding these harmful chemicals. Plus non-organic cotton cotton is a huge source of environmental pollution and uses thousands of chemicals which end up in the very fabric that we put right next to our skin every day.

When you buy a Little Green Radicals piece you will always be buying an organic product where no harmful chemicals such as chlorine bleach, formaldehyde or dangerous dyes are used. This means the clothes are softer and better for babies and kids particularly those with allergies or eczema. Finally because the cotton has not been broken down with chemicals, the clothing will last much longer and always wash incredibly well.

So who actually makes our clothes?

Meet Ankita and Punitha.

Ankita and Punitha are the eyes and ears on the ground in India and make sure each piece is beautifully produced. They transform the sketches into real life garments, solve every problem, keep everyone happy and always have a smile on their face....

What would be do without them?

Meet Sukhendu – Our ‘Popper King!’

Babies and kids clothes always involve using a lot of poppers so Sukhendu is our ‘popper king’ and is in charge of making sure each popper is placed correctly on each and every garment.

Sukhendu has been working with our factory for over 8 years and is an invaluable member of our team.

Meet our ‘Finishing Team’

Little Green Radicals pride themselves on outstanding quality and these wonderful ladies are part of the finishing team who ensure each and every piece measures up to the Little Green Radicals standards of consistency and quality.

Come behind the scenes …


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